“And In This Corner….” – Wolfe Impeachment, Our Mission, and Member Survey

"And In This Corner...." - Wolfe Impeachment, Our Mission, and Member Survey

“And In This Corner...”

Wolfe Impeachment, Our Mission, and Member Survey

Russ Otten, RPSC Chair


Fellow RPSC Members and Patriots,

I named this column "And in This Corner...." when I first became RPSC Chair because we are in a fight for the soul of this county, state, and nation. Some of us are natural fighters. Most of us are reluctant to fight but will if pushed to the edge. We are at that edge!

Let's start with the fight going on in Madison over whether or not to impeach the top election official in Wisconsin, Meagan Wolfe. She is the one who directed and allowed clerks to take illegal actions during the 2020 Presidential election, with Joe Biden being declared the winner. All of her actions have been well documented. Wolfe's term ended on June 30; yet, she has remained in her position. It will now take the Assembly (Republican majority) and the Senate (Republican majority) to impeach her. However, our own Assembly members, Rep. Amy Binsfeld and Rep. Terry Katsma, are unwilling to put pressure on Assembly Leader Robin Vos to call a vote on an impeachment resolution co-sponsored by our own Assembly member, Rep. Ty Bodden.

On Tuesday, October 24, the HQ was packed to hear former WI Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman clearly lay out that Wolfe's impeachment is not only necessary but can be easily accomplished if Vos will act. InFormer Wisconsin State Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman essence, Justice Gableman stated that a simple majority of the Assembly is needed. Vos has the votes but refuses to call for the vote. The Senate already took a straw poll and voted 22-11 to impeach Wolfe. So, they have the super-majority (2/3) to make this happen. Justice Gableman destroyed several of Vos's excuses for his inaction, including that a current lawsuit filed by Wolfe is an obstacle. The lawsuit has nothing to do with moving forward with impeachment! (Justice Gableman, Former Wisconsin State Supreme Court Justice Michael GablemanRep. Bodden, and former Rep. Tim Ramthun received long ovations for their fight in this war!)

Rep. Binsfeld and Rep. Katsma have long said that they support restoring election integrity. Yet, they are doing nothing to push for the impeachment of Wisconsin's top election official, thus allowing her to stay in office and be in charge of the 2024 Presidential election! They are Republicans who we elected to uphold the foundation of our Republic - free and fair elections! At this most critical moment, when Wisconsin will possibly determine our next president, is it too much to ask Rep. Binsfeld and Rep. Katsma to do their jobs by impeaching the corrupt Wolfe? There are only two camps in this fight. In which camp are they?

Let's move on to the battle within the RPSC. For many of you, this comes as news. But it is time to deal with it openly and directly. When you elected me as Chair in February, 2022, I laid out a new mission: To elect patriots to local offices and to those offices that represent us in Madison and then hold them accountable. In nearly two years, I have never wavered from that mission. (Just look at what I wrote above!) There is a small group of detractors that wants that mission changed. They don't like it when our legislators are challenged at Executive Committee meetings. They would rather have them give a brief report and move on. Some legislators stopped attending because they do not want to defend their actions/inactions in Madison. One legislator has never attended since I became Chair.Former Wisconsin State Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman

A few people have told me that it is the Chair's job to keep the Party unified and that this should be the new mission of the RPSC. For many years, there was unity within the membership because Patriots refused to join. So, before I was elected Chair, I reached out to various Patriot groups and assured them that the Party would be their home. They joined. In fact, so many joined that the membership doubled in just one year. I am one of those Patriot Republicans and would love to continue growing the Party. We have great open discussions and disagreements. And, yes, we hold our legislators accountable. The discourse is necessary to create the unity we all desire. However, our strong platform cannot and will not be sacrificed for the sake of unity. I welcome dissent. But I also expect that our disagreements, after shared, will result in legislators joining us, not separating from us, in this fight against socialism at every level.

Finally, the RPSC Executive Committee voted to send out a member survey to gauge views about certain issues and to take the pulse of the membership. It included several questions about the RPSC mission and my leadership. About 30% of members completed and submitted their surveys. Nearly 70% like the mission. And since the mission was not officially voted on by the members, 85% said it should be. I agree and will include that vote at the next caucus in February. Several used the survey to strongly disagree with my leadership. I accept the criticism and will use it to make the Party stronger. I find it ironic, though, that the same small group calling for unity is bent on thwarting the will of the members who unanimously re-elected me in February.

I conclude by inviting non-members to view the attached membership survey results which will be discussed at our next Executive Committee meeting at 7:00PM on Monday, November 13, at the HQ. My hope is that you will be inspired to join the RPSC that night, have a voice, and take an active role in winning local elections and holding our legislators accountable.

God bless you all!

Russ Otten, RPSC Chair

And In This Corner…. Join Us For An Extraordinary Evening

And In This Corner.... Join Us For An Extraordinary Evening

“And In This Corner...”

Join us for an extraordinary evening this coming Tuesday, October 24, 2023, at 7:00PM!

Russ Otten, RPSC Chair


Fellow Patriots and RPSC Members, please join us for an extraordinary evening this coming Tuesday, October 24, 2023, at 7:00PM!

Former WI Supreme Court Justice Mike Gableman will be at the RPSC HQ on Tuesday, October 24, 2023, at 7:00PM to address the current battle over the impeachment of rogue Wisconsin Elections Commission Administrator Meagan Wolfe. (We expect a large crowd. Be careful while parking.)

As many of you know, Assembly Leader Robin Vos is refusing to bring a vote on her impeachment to the Assembly floor. He has used several excuses for his irresponsible inaction. Justice Gableman will use his legal expertise and common sense to shred these excuses and lay out a clear path toward Wolfe's impeachment.

Following is a list of our local state legislators and their respective responses to my question, "Will you vote to impeach Wolfe?"

Rep. Amy Binsfeld - Still undecided
Rep. Terry Katsma - Did not respond to my direct question
Rep. Ty Bodden - Will vote to impeach
Sen. Devin LeMahieu - Did not respond to my direct question
Sen. Duey Strobel - Will vote to impeach

Several legislators will be unavailable to attend this meeting due to previous commitments. However, this meeting will not be a debate. It will simply be Justice Gableman offering us, the voters, an opportunity to see that impeachment can be accomplished if there is a will to do so.

The quick backdrop to the impeachment is that Wolfe both instructed and allowed county clerks around the state to take illegal actions during the 2020 elections. Her malfeasance in office is the grounds for her impeachment. Though her official term ended on June 30, she remains in her position and office illegally. The Assembly (heavily Republican) can take action first. If it passes there, the Senate (heavily Republican) then votes to impeach. With both houses voting to impeach, the governor has no authority in this matter.

I hope to see you all on Tuesday, October 24, 2023, at 7:00PM at the HQ (1122 Indiana Avenue in Sheboygan).

Russ Otten, RPSC Chair

“And In This Corner…” 9/20/23

“And In This Corner..."

“And In This Corner...”

Russ Otten, RPSC Chair



Fellow RPSC Members and Patriots,

I addressed the City of Sheboygan Common Council on 9/18/23 regarding the resignation of City of Sheboygan HR Director Westbrook. I set the record straight on what led to the resignation and that I opposed Westbrook for his job performance, not his sexual orientation. The following is my 5-minute speech.

And In This Corner… Quick Snapshop of Upcoming Events, Recap of Recent Events, and  a Moment to Remember one of our own 7/18/23

“And In This Corner...”

Quick Snapshop of Upcoming Events, Recap of Recent Events, and  a Moment to Remember one of our own

Russ Otten, RPSC Chair


Fellow RPSC Members and Patriots,

This is a quick snapshot of upcoming events, a recap of recent events, and a moment to remember one of our own.

Mark Your Calendars:

  • Due to the protest/rally at City Hall, HOWSE Round 4 will be Monday, July 24, at Braveheart Pub! Doors open at 5:30PM with the meeting starting at 6:30PM.
  • 2nd Annual Freedom Fest will be Saturday, August 26, at City Park in Plymouth. There will be great food with games and fun for all ages! If you would like to assist us that day, please contact Haley Stuckmann at haleystuckmann@gmail.com. More details to come!
  • Night of Inspiration will be Saturday, August 19, at Campus Life Family Center. A number of people will share their how their faith affects every piece of their lives, including how they approach politics and their activism!
  • We will have a booth at the Sheboygan County Fair on Labor Day weekend. Due to popular demand, we increased our space and are looking for you and your friends to volunteer for a few hours on any of those 5 days. Please email Haley Stuckmann at haleystuckmann@gmail.com and get a time that fits your schedule. Thanks.

Recent Events:

  • State GOP Convention was held June 17 in LaCrosse. With many fewer Patriot attendees, the RPW unfortunately pushed through an endorsement process for future conventions that will NOT include an "no endorsement option". This will apply to ALL statewide primaries. Also, the RPW recognized the RPSC as one of the top 5 county parties in Wisconsin in 2022. Thanks to all members and to some who have given so much to make us a powerhouse in our community!
  • Dozens of Patriots made a wonderful and lasting impression on the thousands that attended the 4th of July Parade. The upbeat music, great vehicles, and marchers all created an incredible vibe! 1,000 small American flags (with a small RPSC blurb attached) were given to children along the parade route. We even ran out of candy! It was a warm and successful event for our Patriot movement! Check out the attached pics.
  • A July 4th late afternoon text led to an impromptu but stealthy reading of the Declaration of Independence on the steps of the Sheboygan County Courthouse by Paul Werth and Russ Otten. See attached pic. We plan to make this an annual 4th of July event!

Moment of Remembrance

Mike Ensley

Sadly, we lost a great Conservative voice on July 13. Former State Representative Mike Endsley reached his final victory after a nearly decade-long battle with Alzheimer's. See Obituary. We extend our deepest condolences to Mike's family and wish them peace that can only come from God our Father!

God bless you all!

RPSC Chair

And In This Corner…. Condolences & Action 6/3/23

And In This Corner.... Condolences & Action

“And In This Corner...”

Condolences & Action

Russ Otten, RPSC Chair


Fellow RPSC Members and Patriots,

We lost a wonderful man of God and Patriot last week. Stewart Georgia met the Lord last Friday! He and Marlene carved out a life of service to God and to others. We wish Marlene the comfort that can only come from the Father! Please take a moment to read of his very rich life: https://www.wenigfh.com/obituaries/stewart-georgia

As we plan events and actions, it is crucial to remember our RPSC goal: To elect Patriots to positions locally and in Madison that represent us and then hold them accountable!

With that goal front and center, there are many ways for you to activate in the coming weeks. Please read more about our Awareness Campaign, Grassroots Training, Flag Day Dinner, March for Life, 4th of July Parade, and HQ volunteer team:

Join and spread the buzz about our Awareness Campaign, which kicked off 3 weeks ago. Our initial focus is the academic failures of the Sheboygan Area School District (SASD). Future messages will cover school districts across the county, Sheboygan County Board, Sheboygan Common Council, and key issues in the county like our opposition to 600' high wind turbines. We launched a new website and Facebook group and are also set up on Twitter and Instagram. Learn what is really happening behind closed doors and then share this with your sphere of influence:

Website: TakeBackSheboyganCounty.com
Twitter: TBSheboyganCo
Instagram: TBSheboyganCo
Private Facebook Group: Take Back Our Schools

  • Please join us at the HQ (1122 Indiana Avenue) on Thursday, June 8th, as the Midwest coordinator for Turning Point Action, Brett Galaszewski, will lead us in conservative grassroots training. This is an opportunity to see how you can be the most effective at making a difference in the community. Snacks and refreshments!We extend a special invitation to young people interested in being involved in local outreach. This is the beginning of a youth revival in the RPSC. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Haley Stuckmann at haleystuckmann@gmail.com or (920)980-2011.
  • Get your tickets now for our first Flag Day Dinner on Wednesday, June 14! This very special patriotic evening features a gourmet dinner, bagpipers, color guard, and keynote speaker Dr. Jake Jacobs. Tickets are limited! See more on the RPSC website home page: https://www.creativenetdesigns-one.info/
  • Head to Madison for the March for Life - Wisconsin on June 24! This is being sponsored by 40 Days for Life. Please contact Teresa Claerbout for more info and if you would like to attend. tclaerbout@icloud.com
  • Plan to walk with us in the 4th of July Parade in Sheboygan! This is an opportunity for kids with bikes, guys with trucks, and Patriots of all ages to show over 10,000 community people that we are the party of "Liberty and Justice for All"! We will be distributing over 1,200 American flags as we walk. Please sign up here (or just show up) to take a stroll with friends and family: https://www.creativenetdesigns-one.info/event/city-of-sheboygan-fourth-of-july-parade/. Please also respond to this email if you are interested in driving your truck in the parade.
  • Finally, summer in an off-election year brings less traffic to the HQ. So, we are modifying our hours to 10:00AM-1:00PM on Tuesdays. However, we are preparing for larger crowds and would love to have you volunteer 1-2 hours per week. If you want to be part of the growing HQ team, please contact either Sherry Ottery at sottery5347@gmail.com or Bonnie Hill at theironhills@proton.me

Every one of these activities is geared to win elections in April, 2024! Pick one or two that fit your schedule and use your talents.

God bless you all!



“And In This Corner….” Election Thoughts

And In This Corner.... Election Thoughts 4/10/23

“And In This Corner...”

Election Thoughts

Russ Otten, RPSC Chair


Fellow Patriots and RPSC Members, it's taken a few days to wrap my head around the election results of Tuesday! Beyond Trey's re-election, not one of our candidates for SASD Board or Common Council won! That is truly mind-boggling and difficult to accept. We will discuss that more at our RPSC Board meeting tonight and certainly in detail at our HOWSE meeting next Monday at Braveheart.

I want to express my gratitude to each of you in our movement who worked so hard over the last weeks, months, and year! What you did is nothing short of incredible! You have laid the foundation and format for Spring elections for many years to come. And to our wonderful candidates, thank you for sacrificing your time and talent in your quest to serve. I can only imagine the spectrum of emotions that you experienced before and on last Tuesday. Our deep gratitude to each of you!

What happened last Tuesday is a direct result of several actions and inactions by people in key positions. I will touch on them now and elaborate on each in the near future. First, abortion is a LIFE and DEATH issue that will forever divide our nation, our state, and our community. When our own Republican legislators in March introduced a bill that did not defend LIFE from conception, it undercut and doomed Justice Dan Kelly! It doomed our down-ballot candidates for School Board and Common Council. It doomed all of us! Last time I checked, LIFE from conception was one of the pillars of our GOP platform.

Second, HOWSE (How to Win Spring Elections) was an overwhelming success. Over 40 people were engaged on this team. Key issues were identified. Phenomenal candidates came forward that stood for and expressed Godly values. The Dems finally admitted that local elections are partisan and spent thousands of dollars to counter our efforts. Many generous donors emerged due to our involvement in local elections. The voters who heard our message (many via radio ads) responded positively. (We will need to get the word out before early voting next Spring.) The liberals have developed a network over the last 40 years. In just one year, HOWSE emerged as a powerhouse that landed many blows this April; just not enough to win. That will change!

Third, our Christian churches once again chose to stay silent on un-Biblical actions taken by our civic and school leaders. We live in a Mayberry RFD- like community, yet have Sodom and Gomorrah-like leaders bent on destroying our way of life and polluting the minds of our children.

We have many Bible-believing, evangelical, Lutheran, and Catholic churches in our county. It is incumbent on us to influence these churches and their pastors to address what is happening right in front of us.

Finally, it is not coincidental that Holy Week was the same week as elections. Nothing is coincidental with God. Our true victory is when we believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior. He died so we might be with Him forever. Yes, we chase victories in this life. And if we do that to honor Him, He will bless us. But I pray that each of you will seize His gift and claim the ultimate victory.

God bless you all!



“And In This Corner….” Final Stretch Edition

And In This Corner.... Final Stretch Edition

“And In This Corner...”

Final Stretch Edition

Russ Otten, RPSC Chair


Fellow Patriots and RPSC Members, we are in the final stretch of our march to victory on April 4. So, this edition will be longer but worth your time with just a couple of housekeeping items to start.

First, please check out our RPSC website calendar for key upcoming events. It would be great to see you at one or more of them soon! Here is the link to our calendar: https://www.creativenetdesigns-one.info/events/month/.

Second, I hope you had an opportunity to see our impressive candidates for SASD Board and Sheboygan Common Council during their forums this past week. If not, I encourage you to watch these forums: https://www.wscssheboygan.com/video-on-demand/. Just scroll down to find the ones you want to watch.

Third, April 4 will be one of the most important days in the history of our community that will affect generations to come! Citizens have seen our Common Council and School Boards reject the values that made this a great place to live and raise a family. Instead, they now bow to the wishes of a small left-wing activist group called Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB), which uses race, religion, and sexual orientation to determine a person's value. Last time I checked, that was called discrimination and deemed unConstitutional. Yet, this is what the majority of our Common Council and School Board members use as their playbook when hiring administration, vetting committee members, and establishing rules and regulations.

The results are predictable and unacceptable.

City Hall has become a cesspool, culminating in the unethical firing of the City Administrator "without cause" by the Common Council. Actors in this nightmare are "The 8" conniving alders, a lost mayor, a complicit city attorney, and the leader of DEIB. The environment at City Hall is toxic for its employees. Just ask them, unless a gag order is in place.

Likewise, the School Board has created a district plagued by academic failure, pathetic teacher retention, chaotic classrooms, and libraries laced with pornography. They point to the "Gay Pride" rainbow flags displayed in the libraries as part of their "progressive" victory. But this is not a win for our kids and grandkids. They deserve better; much, much better!

You can change this craziness on April 4!

We have 5 great candidates for Common Council, including incumbent Trey Mitchell from District 9. Check them out on our website and on the forum videos. Each candidate is uniquely gifted to be an asset to this body that so badly needs a moral compass and a decisive spirit. This is the leadership we need at this crucial point!

The Kelly-Ross-Stuckmann team is a wonderful mix of people ready to transform the School Board into a representative body that has one goal - to provide our kids with a safe learning environment where academic excellence is the centerpiece of preparing them to be great contributors to our community, state, and nation. These 3 candidates are poised to lead!

Here are several ways you can help them to win on April 4:

  • Pray for them daily! Their path is difficult.
  • Offer your time to take a walk and drop literature. (Let me know!)
  • Influence your friends and family to vote for these candidates. Just forward this email with the link to their profiles: https://www.creativenetdesigns-one.info/
  • Vote early or on April 4!

God gave us this community! We love and respect everyone because we are all created by God in His image. On April 4, let's elect people who do the same!

God bless you all!



“And In This Corner….” Transforming Sheboygan County

And In This Corner....

“And In This Corner...”

Transforming Sheboygan County

Russ Otten, RPSC Chair


Fellow Patriots and RPSC Members, something amazing is happening!

Amidst the corruption at City Hall, the push by the Sheboygan Area School District (SASD) Board for a transsexual curriculum, and the stench of the upcoming Drag Queen event at The Black Pig (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/drag-dinner-the-great-pigsby-tickets-484010296827), our fight to bring back the values of faith, family, and freedom is taking center stage for all of our community to see!

Today, I am thrilled to announce that every Common Council and every SASD Board race has one of our candidates in it to win! Here they are: (https://www.creativenetdesigns-one.info/).

This transformation started a year ago. As we all know, elections have consequences. For too long, many of us viewed local elections as non-partisan. True, one does not run as a Republican or Democrat. But there is no doubt that each elected official uses a personal set of values when voting on issues. A case in point would be the current makeup of our Common Council. Just 2 of the 10 members are Conservatives with the other 8 members supporting the views of the ultra-Left Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging (DEIB) group. (They are anything but diverse or inclusive when it comes to differing opinions.)

To counter this, about 30-40 fellow Patriots created a plan last April to transform Sheboygan County via the ballot box. The HOWSE (How to Win Spring Elections) team systematically identified key issues in our community and then recruited strong Conservative candidates who share our values and are willing to fight for them. The result is our incredible slate of candidates!

This transformation of Sheboygan County will only take place if you personally activate and forward this to your friends, neighbors, co-workers, and others in your sphere of influence. Many of them have no clue about the corruption, the transsexual curriculum on the horizon, or the Drag Queen event on January 29 at the Black Pig. In fact, most would be shocked to know that this is going on right here! More importantly, your friends need to know that they now have candidates worth electing!

Over the last year, many of you have expressed frustration in not knowing what to do to fight all of this filth. Can you really make a difference? Yes!!!!! When you read this message, immediately think of several who love Sheboygan County and would want to know what is going on. Be the one who shares this with them. No more frustration! Let's get this done!

God bless you all!



“And In This Corner….” Special RPSC Caucus to Add Board Positions & Hear State of the Party

And In This Corner....

“And In This Corner...”

Special RPSC Caucus to Add Board Positions & Hear State of the Party

Russ Otten, RPSC Chair


Fellow RPSC Members and Patriots, you are invited to a very special caucus/meeting on Monday, November 28, 2022, at 6:30PM, at the HQ (1122 Indiana Avenue in Sheboygan).

First, there will be a members-only vote on a motion to add 2 new positions to the RPSC Board. Currently, there are 7 positions. The new positions will be for Electronic Communications Chair and Events Chair. (See attached for rationale and motion with a full list of Board positions.) The motion will need a 2/3 majority of all attending RPSC members.

RPSC Board Positions Proposed for 2023

Second, I will give my first State of the Party address. It will include highlights of 2022, provide a detailed update on HOWSE (How to Win Spring Elections), and invite non-members to join our movement.

Russ Otten's State of the Party Address

Third, there will be an Open Forum for members to ask questions about our direction and plans for 2023.

Finally, please bring your friends who are fired up about but have not yet joined the RPSC. We want them to know what we are doing to transform our local leadership to better reflect the values of Sheboygan County.

P.S. Free popcorn, snacks, water, and soda will be available!

See you on Monday, November 28!

Russ Otten

RPSC Chair


“And In This Corner….” Why We Must Win in April

And In This Corner....

“And In This Corner...”

Why We Must Win in April

Russ Otten, RPSC Chair


Fellow RPSC Members and Patriots, let's cut to the awful truth! Last Tuesday was not a good day for Wisconsin! Re-electing a liberal pawn who turned his back on freedom during the "pandemic" and is pushing CRT and transgenderism in our schools is unacceptable. Spin it any way you want. The bottom line is that the Republican Party of Wisconsin (RPW), who cried for unity at the State GOP Convention in May, did not get Rebecca Kleefisch to endorse Tim Michels after the primary. The RPW has failed again to represent the fast-growing grassroots majority of its members.

Thankfully, we put our faith in God, not men and women. God has entrusted us as leaders in our community to take care of it, to ensure justice, and to make sure that His values are honored. If we do that, He will be with us!

So, how do we make that happen in Sheboygan County? We elect Patriots, those who live by the Constitution, to local offices and then hold them accountable. That is the singular mission of our movement. And that is why we must win elections in April!!!!!

Back in April, we created HOWSE (How to Win Spring Elections) as a group to develop a strategy to transform our liberal-loaded County Board, Common Council, and local school boards. We have identified key local issues to use as a campaign platform and are recruiting Patriot candidates to run for all open seats this coming April. Here is what is at stake:

  • Sheboygan County Board - No elections in April.
  • Sheboygan Common Council - 10 total positions with only 2 Patriots - 5 positions on the ballot - 4 of 5 are liberals - If we win all 4, we will have a Patriot majority.
  • Sheboygan Area School District Board - 9 total positions with only 2 Patriots - 3 positions on the ballot - all 3 are liberals - If we win all 3, we will have a Patriot majority.
  • School District Boards - Sheboygan Falls, Kohler, Plymouth, Oostburg, Cedar Grove, Random Lake, Howards Grove, Elkhart Lake

How can you help?

  1. Come to our next HOWSE meeting on Monday, November 21, at Braveheart Pub. https://www.creativenetdesigns-one.info/event/howse-how-to-win-spring-elections-round-4/
  2. Run for one of these positions! We will assist you in every step of the campaign and with financing. (See attached for campaign timeline)
  3. Encourage others to run and give us names of those who would be great Patriot candidates!

As I have stated from the time I became RPSC Chair, there are no non-partisan races! Every person who fills an elected position brings a set of values that affects the way each votes. We want Patriots who stand for faith, family, and freedom.Let's take care of our backyard! Please join us in our movement to transform these elected bodies in Sheboygan County!

God bless you all!

