SPEAK OUT! – Death to America

SPEAK OUT! - Death to America


Death to America

Art DeJong

Most of us were horrified when Hamas, no longer satisfied with firing rockets into Israeli cities, massacred Israeli civilians up close and personal. Some were surprised when American college kids “rallied” in support of the slaughter chanting “Death to Israel,” knowing that it continues, “and to the Great Satan America.” Others dismissed this as just the fashionable self-loathing of kids marinated a bit too long in academic left-wing theology. It is worse than that.

Israel has no shortage of left-wing socialists, those who advocate for a totalitarian Supreme Court, and, unfortunately, for keeping guns out of the hands of civilians. But would their students be so clueless as to scream, “Death to Israel” and advocate opening their borders to Hamas terrorists, assuming that they would murder only their political enemies?

Would their president welcome waves of unvetted military aged young men from every Israel-hating country in the world? Would their intelligence agencies keep silent as swarms of unknown “migrants” stormed their borders? Would half of their senators support the assault, or would millions of Israeli citizens vote to end their hard-won national sovereignty as our Democrat leaders and millions of their voters have done?

Most of our political and cultural leaders now say that they support the Ukraine and Israel, but their policies speak more loudly the words of their Ivy League children, “Death to America.” Israel is in a desperate fight for its life. Our fight is no less desperate.

Art DeJong, Sheboygan, WI

“In My Opinion” – Does Prejudice Hold a Place in Local Political Parties?

“In My Opinion” - Does Prejudice Hold a Place in Local Political Parties?

“In My Opinion”

We the People


Does Prejudice Hold a Place in Local Political Parties?

Let’s look up the definition of prejudice which is “an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics”. Why is this important, you ask? Prejudice is happening right under your nose here at the RPSC and you might not even know it. Recently at an RPSC meeting Robin Vos allowed the Finance chair to discriminate against the Events chair based on age. This isn’t the first time this has happened in front of Robin Vos, this is at least the third time that this was allowed to happen.

When I spoke up and attempted to stop the age discrimination Robin Vos threatened to remove me for interrupting the Finance chair. The next day in a meeting with Robin Vos I asked about the reason for allowing age discrimination. Mr. Vos said he didn’t hear what the Finance chair said. I mentioned that he had to have heard it because I was threatened to be removed because I interrupted the finance chair. When I asked if he would put a stop to the discrimination Robin Vos said he would and that there would be a discussion with the Finance chair.

To this day Robin Vos has not had this conversation and the age discrimination continues. This seems to be the way Robin Vos wants to conduct business locally. Robin Vos has also asked for official minutes to be changed so that he and his followers would not look bad. Why would someone like Robin Vos want to change the official minutes of a Republican Party meeting? Seems like a move a tyrant would make to not allow transparency and Democracy to take hold.

Robin Vos has also not been truthful to membership about items brought forth at special caucuses, his handling of fundraisers, the twisting of the constitutional duties of the events chair and the speaker at the most recent Lincoln-Reagan Dinner.

If the Republican Party wants to continue to grow, we need to look to the younger age group and find ways to get them involved instead of discriminating against them. Robin Vos seems to have one agenda. That is to push his agenda and to hell with any other views that other members or Board members have. If you oppose anything that Robin Vos does or puts forth, you can expect to be treated very differently than if you are part of his inner circle.

If this party wants to thrive and make an impact locally, we need to embrace all age groups especially younger conservatives and learn from our mistakes. Robin Vos’s leadership has shown that he is unwilling to change and continue to do the same things that haven’t worked in the past. Robin Vos it’s time you step up to the plate or put yourself on the bench.
Now that you have read that brief opinion article you are most likely saying to yourself wait Robin Vos isn’t part of the RPSC and he hasn’t ever attended a board meeting. You are correct but it sure sounds like it is all stuff that Robin Vos has been accused of doing by Russ Otten. So go back through the article and replace every one of the Robin Vos’s with Russ Otten and I think you will be shocked on how our current chair is taking the RPSC down the wrong path.

Jon Paul

Editor's Note: The views expressed in this column are not necessarily the opinions of the RPSC. Giving a means to express opinions is at the foundation of our Democracy and the Free Speech Rights set forth in the Constitution of the United States. Other members wishing to express their opinions about the RPSC or matters pertaining to our beliefs can send them to webmaster@sheboygancountygop.com

And In This Corner…. Join Us For An Extraordinary Evening

And In This Corner.... Join Us For An Extraordinary Evening

“And In This Corner...”

Join us for an extraordinary evening this coming Tuesday, October 24, 2023, at 7:00PM!

Russ Otten, RPSC Chair


Fellow Patriots and RPSC Members, please join us for an extraordinary evening this coming Tuesday, October 24, 2023, at 7:00PM!

Former WI Supreme Court Justice Mike Gableman will be at the RPSC HQ on Tuesday, October 24, 2023, at 7:00PM to address the current battle over the impeachment of rogue Wisconsin Elections Commission Administrator Meagan Wolfe. (We expect a large crowd. Be careful while parking.)

As many of you know, Assembly Leader Robin Vos is refusing to bring a vote on her impeachment to the Assembly floor. He has used several excuses for his irresponsible inaction. Justice Gableman will use his legal expertise and common sense to shred these excuses and lay out a clear path toward Wolfe's impeachment.

Following is a list of our local state legislators and their respective responses to my question, "Will you vote to impeach Wolfe?"

Rep. Amy Binsfeld - Still undecided
Rep. Terry Katsma - Did not respond to my direct question
Rep. Ty Bodden - Will vote to impeach
Sen. Devin LeMahieu - Did not respond to my direct question
Sen. Duey Strobel - Will vote to impeach

Several legislators will be unavailable to attend this meeting due to previous commitments. However, this meeting will not be a debate. It will simply be Justice Gableman offering us, the voters, an opportunity to see that impeachment can be accomplished if there is a will to do so.

The quick backdrop to the impeachment is that Wolfe both instructed and allowed county clerks around the state to take illegal actions during the 2020 elections. Her malfeasance in office is the grounds for her impeachment. Though her official term ended on June 30, she remains in her position and office illegally. The Assembly (heavily Republican) can take action first. If it passes there, the Senate (heavily Republican) then votes to impeach. With both houses voting to impeach, the governor has no authority in this matter.

I hope to see you all on Tuesday, October 24, 2023, at 7:00PM at the HQ (1122 Indiana Avenue in Sheboygan).

Russ Otten, RPSC Chair

“And In This Corner…” 3/4/22

“And In This Corner...”

Russ Otten, RPSC Chair


Russ Otten
Fellow Party Members, it has been my honor serving as the RPSC Chair since February 5. I am excited to report that so many great things are happening because of our efforts.

First, we have activated and caused quite a stir around the state. Our Vos Resolution from the caucus has been a hot topic for Mark Belling's and Regular Joe's radio shows over the last few weeks. More importantly, many other counties have followed suit. This is not going away. In fact, it has gained momentum. With the Gableman Report on Tuesday stating that there is more than enough evidence of election fraud to move forward with decertifying Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes, Rep. Ramthun has been vindicated and proven correct in making his case for such. This has led to someone stepping up to primary Vos and also caused State GOP Chair Farrow to call an "emergency meeting" on March 16 with all County Party Chairs and VIce-Chairs. I expect that meeting to be one last pushback from Vos and Farrow to bury the decertification and stay in power in Madison. If that happens, you may hear a loud boom around 8:00PM that night. Stay tuned!

Second, we have crucial Spring elections on April 5. I urge you to offer your assistance to one of the 16 conservative candidates as they sprint toward victory. You can make a difference right here in your own community by doing lit drops and making phone calls. Anika Rickard is coordinating these efforts. Please contact her at arickard@wisgop.org. You can now view a full list of candidates and their districts on our website. Be sure to share this with your family and friends. The "Meet the Candidates" night this past Tuesday was fantastic. Over 100 people attended and were amazed by the presentation, "Taking Back Our Local Government". Thanks to the RPSC's Darryl Carlson and SCFF's Judi Pool and Suzanne Speltz for organizing this wonderful event!

Third, a key issue has emerged that needs your attention. 16 massive 673' wind turbines are planned to be erected in Sheboygan County. They are 50% taller than the Acuity flag and will be seen from virtually any city, village, and township in the county. Party member Zack Pattison is building a large group opposed to these monstrosities. Please reach out to him at zackpattison@yahoo.com to stay up-to-date on this issue. We need to fight for our neighbors from Cedar Grove to the Town of Mitchell and keep our quality of life for all of Sheboygan County!

Fourth, the recent Lincoln-Reagan Dinner was a huge success! Over 220 people gathered to celebrate our freedoms and were inspired by Sen. Ron Johnson to engage in the fight to keep them. Check out the article and pics that are posted on our website! One additional note on this: One of you was kind enough to offer to pay for several others to attend. This was love in action!

Finally, our Party has grown to 300 members. This is your home, the place where your values are shared. Please tell others what you are doing. Invite them to an event. Volunteer for a campaign together. Let them know that you are making a difference in our community. And ask them to join the Party. Please print out a copy of our Membership Form or make them aware that they can join online at https://www.creativenetdesigns-one.info/join-rpsc/. Let's push to hit 400 by June!

God bless you all!

